来自谷歌的约翰-穆勒(John Mueller)再次确认,将单词和段落上的重要内容 加粗确实有助于网站的SEO和排名。但这都是相对的,如果你把页面上的所有内容都加粗,那么它就没有帮助,约翰进一步解释说。
该声明来自11月12日录制的谷歌搜索中心English Google SEO office-hours。
Someone was arguing that bolding important parts in a paragraph can boost your SEO does it?
Yeah. I think this is something that comes up every now and then I double checked before the session actually and Matt Cutts did a video I think in like 2012 or something around that. About bolding and strong in on pages. So usually we do try to understand what the content is about on a web page and we look at different things to try to figure out what is actually being emphasized here. And that includes things like headings on a page but it also includes things like what what is actually bolded or emphasized within the text on the page.
是的,我想这是一个时常出现的问题,我在会议前仔细检查了一下,Matt Cutts做了一个视频,我想是在2012年或类似的事情。关于页面中的加粗和强调。因此,我们通常会尝试了解一个网页上的内容是什么,我们会查看不同的东西来尝试找出这里实际强调的是什么。这包括像页面上的标题一样的东西,但也包括像页面上的文本中实际被加粗或强调的东西。
So to some extent that does have a little bit of extra value there in that it’s a clear sign that actually you think this page or this paragraph is about this this topic here. And usually that aligns with what we think the page is about anyway so it’s it doesn’t change that much.
The other thing is that this is to a large extent relative within the web page. A if you go off and say well I will just make my whole page bold and then Google think we’ll think my page is the most important one, then by making everything bold essentially nothing is bold because it’s all the same. Whereas if you take a handful of sentences or words within your full page where you say this is really important for me and you bold those then it’s a lot easier for us to say well here’s a lot of text and this is potentially one of the most important points of this page. And we can give that a little bit more value. And essentially what what that kind of goes into is everything around semantic HTML where you’re giving a little bit more meaning to a page by using the proper markup for the page. And from our point of view that’s good it helps us to understand the page a little bit better.
So if you want to kind of like simplify it to one word answer. Does bolding important points on a paragraph help the SEO? Yes it does. It does help us to better understand that paragraph or that page.